Ethereum: How to generate a bulk wallet offline with python, java or c++?

Correction of the Loping Koshelki in Autonomic Regima with Piton, Java or C ++

In this state, we dissatisfied with the help of the help of the generation of the enclosures (100,000 pairs of Klavish) in the autonomous regime in Python, Java and C ++. We also have a dispensary use of the commander stroke.

Method 1: Using OpenSSL

OpenSSL Popular Library with an open source code used for cryptographic operating. We can use it for the generation of Carvysh in the autonomic regime.


Ethereum: How to generate a bulk wallet offline with python, java or c++?



Import Subprostess

Def Generate_Walletofline ():

Specify the OpenSSL configuration file (for example,Openssl.conf)

Config_file = "Openssl.conf"

Specify Format Koshka (for example, Pem, der)

Wallet_format = "Der"

Spoiled pairs key in autonomic regimen with 100 000 koshalk

For I d Diopazon (100,000):

Command = f "Openssl Gensa -out {config_file} _i {i} _ {Wallet_format} .der" (Command, Shell = True)

#Building of the liner key from the consumed koshalki

Wallet_dir = "Zhoelki _ {} _ {Wallet_format}". Format (I + 1)

For the name of the file in OS.LISTDIR (Wallet_DIR):

If Filename.endswith ("Der"):

with Open (OS.Path.join (Wallet_dir, File), "RB") How F: F:

KEY = F.RAD ()

Private_key = key

#Reranted closed key for file (for example,Private_key _ {} {Wallet_format} .Pempyw


If __name__ == “__main__”:

Generate_walletoffline ()


Java code


Import; Import; Import;


Opened Class Generatewalletoffline {

Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) {

// Specify the Openssl configuration file (for example,Openssl.conf)

String configfile = "openssl.conf";

// Specify Format Koshka (for example, der)

String Walletformat = "der";

// Generate Paris Key in autonomic regimen with 100 000 kosolk

for (int I = 0; I <100000; I ++) {

System.out.println ("FEEDING CLOSED" + (I + 1) + ...);

// Linn the Commond Openssl, to sprout the koshalek

String Command = "Openssl Gensa -out" + Configfile + "_I" + (I + 1) + "_" + Walletformat + ".Der";

Process Process = runtime.getruntime (). Exec (Command);

Bufferedreader Reader = New BufferedRader (New Inputstreamreader (Process.getinPutstream));

Stress inputline;

While ((inputline = Reader.Readline ())! = Null) {

// Bend the closed key out of output

System.out.println ("closed key" + (I + 1) + ... = " + inputline);



// Coam sgenerged partly keys to files (for example,private_Key_100000_I0.Derand Private_Key_100000.pwpk)

for (int I = 0; I <100000; I ++) {

System.out.println ("Claimed key" + (I + 1) + ... for file ");

// Linn the Commond Openssl, To Swit Closed Key

String filename = configfile + "_" + (I + 1) + "_" + Walletformat + ".pwpk";

TRY (Filewriter Writer = New Filewriter (Filename)) {

writer.write ("Private_key_" + (I + 1) + ...);





C ++ Code






// Function for creation closed key

STD :: String GeneratePrivatekey (Size_t N, Size_T P) {

Unsigned Char* Key = New unsigned Char [N + 1];

Rand_bytes (Key, N);

STD :: Stringstream SS;

for (Size_t I = 0; I

SS << Static_cast (Key [i]) | 0x80;


// Said the closed key in file

STD :: ofstream File (“Private_key_” + STD :: to_string (N) + “_” + std :: to_string (p) + “.pwpk”);

IF (file.

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