Correction of the Loping Koshelki in Autonomic Regima with Piton, Java or C ++
In this state, we dissatisfied with the help of the help of the generation of the enclosures (100,000 pairs of Klavish) in the autonomous regime in Python, Java and C ++. We also have a dispensary use of the commander stroke.
Method 1: Using OpenSSL
OpenSSL Popular Library with an open source code used for cryptographic operating. We can use it for the generation of Carvysh in the autonomic regime.
Import Subprostess
Def Generate_Walletofline ():
Specify the OpenSSL configuration file (for example,Openssl.conf)
Config_file = "Openssl.conf"
Specify Format Koshka (for example, Pem, der)
Wallet_format = "Der"
Spoiled pairs key in autonomic regimen with 100 000 koshalk
For I d Diopazon (100,000):
Command = f "Openssl Gensa -out {config_file} _i {i} _ {Wallet_format} .der" (Command, Shell = True)
#Building of the liner key from the consumed koshalki
Wallet_dir = "Zhoelki _ {} _ {Wallet_format}". Format (I + 1)
For the name of the file in OS.LISTDIR (Wallet_DIR):
If Filename.endswith ("Der"):
with Open (OS.Path.join (Wallet_dir, File), "RB") How F: F:
KEY = F.RAD ()
Private_key = key
#Reranted closed key for file (for example,Private_key _ {} {Wallet_format} .Pempyw
If __name__ == “__main__”:
Generate_walletoffline ()
Java code
Import; Import; Import;
Opened Class Generatewalletoffline {
Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) {
// Specify the Openssl configuration file (for example,Openssl.conf)
String configfile = "openssl.conf";
// Specify Format Koshka (for example, der)
String Walletformat = "der";
// Generate Paris Key in autonomic regimen with 100 000 kosolk
for (int I = 0; I <100000; I ++) {
System.out.println ("FEEDING CLOSED" + (I + 1) + ...);
// Linn the Commond Openssl, to sprout the koshalek
String Command = "Openssl Gensa -out" + Configfile + "_I" + (I + 1) + "_" + Walletformat + ".Der";
Process Process = runtime.getruntime (). Exec (Command);
Bufferedreader Reader = New BufferedRader (New Inputstreamreader (Process.getinPutstream));
Stress inputline;
While ((inputline = Reader.Readline ())! = Null) {
// Bend the closed key out of output
System.out.println ("closed key" + (I + 1) + ... = " + inputline);
// Coam sgenerged partly keys to files (for example,private_Key_100000_I0.Derand
for (int I = 0; I <100000; I ++) {
System.out.println ("Claimed key" + (I + 1) + ... for file ");
// Linn the Commond Openssl, To Swit Closed Key
String filename = configfile + "_" + (I + 1) + "_" + Walletformat + ".pwpk";
TRY (Filewriter Writer = New Filewriter (Filename)) {
writer.write ("Private_key_" + (I + 1) + ...);
C ++ Code
// Function for creation closed key
STD :: String GeneratePrivatekey (Size_t N, Size_T P) {
Unsigned Char* Key = New unsigned Char [N + 1];
Rand_bytes (Key, N);
STD :: Stringstream SS;
for (Size_t I = 0; I
SS << Static_cast
// Said the closed key in file
STD :: ofstream File (“Private_key_” + STD :: to_string (N) + “_” + std :: to_string (p) + “.pwpk”);
IF (file.