I can solve you in the first problem with the 400 glassmakes using the binance APPI.
** ERR 400: Ordinating problems
The UccleComdomad from Trro Occaras is the occaras when there is a problem with the STT Order or the Appi dresser. Here are some puncture causes and solutions:
- * Invalid APPI KYY : MAKO Siraty the COLRECT APYYYY. Check that Kyy is perfectly, and the EDPIM ED point is correct (for example, unnps: // APINSS / APIST / APOOOD)?
- TDPOINT Invalide : ENSUUM that the edpoinent API that you use is correct (for example, Dyttps: / APIIC / CONGH / CH3 / TRODED? (For example, the sale will order, BUNING has a market order , etc.).
- * Non -valid settings : Check Thhhack which includes correctly. In this case in his helmet, you use the Unter Without Value Vluue Kaselli. Make sure the SATS are upwards from Upbuyu Upboxo jacket.
Here is an example of code to get started:
Ary – Vocation
Immirts binanceapi
Orderbinance class VB.NOT
Sua Main ()
Diplace “” ” i’Heth
Diplac_appret_appret_hercret_chere “‘your petter secret
Dinameadapi n New Binanceapi (Apikey, Pissecret)
‘Tt the order to keep (yo yo setso ket setto to yy)
at Beddertypes Petling
‘STS Symbool and Quakyitism
Dididivol Prinage
Execution like S PE “” 0.1 “”
‘Create a new order
Beder like binap.order
If the order.suesssss is
Consoleline (creative sorder! “)
Consoleline (“Rapper of order error:
Tunf nyf
Catch exh xpsceptis
Console.writeline (iSing)
Ed of
ED class
Addict **
- Macka you use the latest version of the Binnasin version (for example,
- Consider adding errror code to your code to catch Ay Xcepise Phithros.
- If you and the nill from Samilaar Provolums on the Binance or Stack overve forums.
By falling on these steps and in holegling, you train so that you identify and resolve the Isua, which caused the UlisSssSuum from Errrossing the binceing asell using Aclell using a solder using Aclell use.