Metamask: queued transactions stuck on metamask on connection to anvil ( foundry )

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Metamask: Tail transactions blocked on Metamask after connection to ANVILL Foundry

I recently distributed an intelligent contract through Anvill Foundry, which is a popular platform for the construction and launch of decentralized applications (DAPPS). The process was simple, with the use of Eteri.js for front-end development and metamask as a customer of the wallet. However, after setting everything,

The after having successfully creating the new chain, the flow seems to complete without problems.

However, once the process is completed, I noticed that my transactions were blocked in the metamask tail. This is “queued”. The problem persisted even after trying several times and restoring Metamask.

After some investigations, I find that this problem is not unique for my specific situation. Metamask when using the Avill Foundry bees to distribute intelligent contracts.

** Why did it happen?

The exact reason for in particular appears that Metamask is blocked or transactions in the queue

Alternative solution and solution

To solve this problem, I recommend you undertake one of the following steps:

  • Contact the support of the ANVILL

    Foundry: contact the support team of ANVILL Foundry for assistance. They could be able to provide a temporary solution or even a permanent solution.


  • Use a different wallet client :

  • Check the private key

    Metamask: queued transactions stuck on metamask on connection to anvil ( foundry )

    : Check that the private key is corrupt in any way.


Metamask after connecting to Anvill Foundry is frustrating, the interruption caused by this problem.

Anvill or other platforms that use Metamask. Like a comment below!

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