Metamka: Disconnecting your Ethereum account from Dapps
As a developer, you may have encountered situations where your users want to disconnect their Ethereum accounts from the Metamask Wallet or a specific DAPP. In this article, we will look at how to disconnect with the Eth_requestaccounts and give examples to connect with metamas.
Why disconnect?
Before diving into a solution, it is important to understand why you might want to disconnect your account:
* Security : Disconnection allows users to manage their accounts independently by reducing the risk of purse compromise.
* DAPP Integration : Disconnecting allows developers to create DAPPs that do not require user authentication or account.
** Method 1: Using `
The "Eth_RequestAccounts" method is a built -in API that allows users to request their Ethereum accounts. Here is an example of how you can use it with Metamass:
// Get the Metamask Instance
Const Metamk = Window.ethereum && window.metamk;
IF (Metamk) {
// to request account information
Expect Metamk.Request ({Method: ‘Eth_requestAccounts’});
// bring the list of accounts
Const accounts = wait for metamk.getacc – ();
// loop through each account and print their name
Account.Foreach ((Account) => Console.log (Account));
** Meth. 2: Using `
For more control, you can transfer the call for the call to the “eth_requestaccounts” method. This allows you to act differently or take additional actions:
// Define the Custom Called Function
Function OnaccountsRecated (Accounts) {
Account.Foreach ((Account) => Console.log (Account));
IF (Window.ethereum && Window.Metamk) {
// Request account information with custom call
Expect the window.ethereum.request ({method: “eth_requestaccounts”, callback: onaccountsreced});
Method 3: Using Window.ethetheum
The “Window.ethereum” object provides an alternative way to access Ethereum accounts. You can use it to request account information without refusing to call back:
// Get the Metamask Instance
Const metamk = window.etheum;
IF (Metamk) {
// Request account information using the “GetAccounts” method
Const accounts = wait for metamk.getacc – ();
// loop through each account and print their name
Account.Foreach ((Account) => Console.log (Account));
In this article, we studied three methods of disconnecting Ethereum accounts from DAPP with Metamk. By understanding the “Eth_requestaccounts” method and its various options, you can provide an invisible experience for users by fulfilling their safety requirements.
Remember to always be responsible for disconnecting your account and following the best safety practice.
Additional resources
- Metamask Documentation: [
- Ethereum.JS Documentation: [