Ethereum: What are the advantages to become a bitcoin node?

As far as I understand, becoming a bitcoin node requires a certain level of technical experience and the configuration of infrastructure, which includes:

  • Strong computer with enough resources (CPU, RAM and storage) to process your computer load and retain a block chain.

  • Reliable internet connection to transaction transactions via a bitcoin network.

  • Knowledge of the Ethereum fundamental protocol and how he communicates with the Bitcoin network.

  • Knowledge of software for the mining of cryptocurrency and hardware configuration.

However, I would like to give some advantages to becoming a bitcoin node:


  • Decentralized Network:

    Ethereum: What are the advantages to become a bitcoin node?

    When it acts as a re -admission point for transactions, nodes help maintain a decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network, based on the collective efforts of nodes for the validation of transaction transactions and updates.

  • Node Rewards: Nodes can receive newly elected Bitcoa rewards (mining reward) or transaction rates by transaction transaction to other nodes.

  • Hardware investing: Although not necessary, have a powerful computer with enough resources may be an investment for those who want to participate in a bitcoin network without addiction to a expensive mining hardware.

  • Distributed Main Book: To become a knot provides information on the work of the Ethereum block chain and its interactions with a bitcoin network, which allows users a better understanding of how the cryptocurrency transactions work.

  • Safety and Reliability: Nodes can contribute to providing transactions in the network and guarantee of integrity of the chain block.

To become a bitcoin knot, I would generally need:

  • Install and configure a powerful computer with enough resources

  • Get a reliable internet connection

  • Machines Ethereum protocol and how it communicates with the Bitcoins network

  • Configuring software for mining and hardware (optional)

  • Join an existing node or create your own node in a block chain like Ethereum

Keep in mind that becoming a bitcoin node may not be adequate for everyone, especially for those new ones in the crypto currency. It is important to explore and understand the requirements, risks and possible prizes included before investing time and resources in this effort.


  • “Bitcoin Mining: Beginner Guide” Blockcypher

  • “How bitcoin nodes” Cointelegraph act

  • “Guide to installing the Ethereum node”

Liability release: This article is only for informative purposes and should not be considered as an investment advice. Investing cryptocurrencies implies risks, and users have to conduct their own research before making any decision.


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