Positioning of the Ethereum market order Using EPI Binance: A Guide to Solving Problem
Binance API is a powerful tool to interact with the exchange of binance, but sometimes it can be blocked or caused. In this article, we will explore the common problems you could meet when you place the market order using order_market_buy
and we will provide a step by step guide on how to solve them.
Problem 1: Error API -1013: Filter error
When trying to place a market order, Binance can return an error code of -1013: Failure filter. This error generally occurs when there are no suitable market commands with you want.
Possible solutions:
* Check the price filter : Make sure you set an appropriate price filter in the API customer. You can find more information on this topic in [API documentation] (https: //binance-docs.github.iio/apidoc/en/spot/api-reference/#-mket- order).
* Use thelyder ‘: instead of using’ command_market_buy, try to use 'Placelimierer' to place a market order. This can allow you to filter non -pity commands.
Customer.Placelimiter (symbol = symbol, quantity = quantral, lateral = market ')
Problem 2: API -1 Error: Order cannot be placed due to insufficient balance
When placing a market order using binance, the exchange may not have enough available funds in your account.
Possible solutions:
* Check your account balance : Make sure you have checked your account balance and make sure -there are available funds.
* Add more funds to your account : If possible, add more funds to your account before trying to make a market order.
* Check the API client’s settings : Repeat the API customer settings to make sure you are compatible with the Binance market order requirements.
Problem 3: Error API -2: Insufficient Resources
Binance can return an -2
error code if sufficient resources are not available on the server side. This may include problems with network connectivity, CPU use or memory availability.
Possible solutions:
* Check network status
: Make sure the Internet connection is stable and works correctly.
* Support the settings of the API client : Try to adjust the API customer settings to reduce the use of resources or update to a stronger customer request.
* Contact Binance Support: Contact the Binance assistance team for solving any problems below.
Problem resolution steps
- Check if you have set up a suitable price filter in the API customer.
- Try to use the “PlacelimiteDer” method instead of
- Check your account balance and make sure -there are enough available funds.
- Add more funds to your account if necessary.
As a result of these problem solving passages, you should be able to solve common problems with binance bees and place the market commands correctly using `command_market_buy
Example of case use
Here is an updated example of a code for example that includes managing troubleshooters and information:
“ Python
Def Order_Market_Buy (symbol, quantity):
Customer = binance.client ()
Add bees and the key secret here
Api_key = “your_api_key”
Api_secret = “your_pi_secret”
Set an appropriate filter
Api_filter = {
“Symbol”: symbol,
“Side”: “market”,
“Type”: “limit”,
“Timeinforce”: “Okay”,
good for the market or arrest limit
“Price”: ‘0.01’,
Use your preferred price filter
“Quantity”: quantity
Place the market command using Binance API
Command_response = customer.placemarketorter (symbol = symbol, apifilter = bees_filter)
If order_response.status_code!