Ethereum: How to create a bootstrap.dat file? [duplicate]

I can hold you by creating a “bootstrap.dat” file in Dogecoin.

What is this file bootstrap.dat?

Ethereum: How to create a bootstrap.dat file? [duplicate]

File bootstrap.dat – this is a configuration file used in cryptocurrency cans, consistency with Ethereum Tom (eg electric, mezerwallet, etc.). The settings that are most common, such as PIN, address and other pre -rules that are loaded in the wallets at the time of its launch.

How to make a file bootstrap.dat dogecoin

Here’s a plate:

trebed tool

  • Customer -Ryptocolor Koshelek (eg electric or mythherwallet) consisting of ethereum

  • API blockchain dogecoin (with this one)


  • ** Submit the new Uchol article Ethereum:

* If you still haven’t made it possible, create an Ethereum entry and get a closed key to your koshka.

  • Set a cryptocurrency wallet :

* Install the kit customer in your wish (such as electricity) and prove that it is created for the use of the Api Blockchain Dogecoin.


* Wojt in your encoded dogecoin or you are if you still haven’t done it and note the Mainnet ‘Blockchain Extrourer (eg [blockchair] (

  • Submit the new Bootstrap.dat


* USPolza Customer Koshka, create a new configuration file (bootstrap.dat) v. The electronic catalog of Koshelka you selected.

  • Set the filebootstrap.dat:

* In an unknown filebootstrap.datadd the following settings:

+PIN ‘: Install the code (for example, 1234).

+ Reds': Set the address for use in ADMA quality.

+Key: Install the Mostes closed key (if necessary) if necessary).

+Chainid: Install the identifier blockchain (like 1) for your ethereum.

Primerbootstrap.datMemorial file

Here is a bottom that can look like a content filebootstrap.dat:



"PIN": "1234",

"Address": "0x0123456789ABCDEF"

"Key": "0x012345678901234567890123456789ABCDEF"

“TELEP”: 1


How to download the file bootstrap.dat on your shot

After you entered the “bootstrap.dat” file, you need to load it in your pot. This is except that Seba:

  • Open the “bootstrap.dat” file using code text, editor or editor.

  • Copy and insertion of file to the customer Koshelka.

Added Resources

I recommend checking the Dogecoin file “Bootstrap.dat” for the [electric paragraph] ( and Ecooin ( This way you can find the most field resources by shrinking steak or other online forums.

Holly, it’s helpful!

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