Metamask: How to change the RPC URL programically
From my last update in April 2023, the official Metamask API documentation does not allow to directly change the programmatic RPCU
parameter. However, it offers some ways to achieve this, which may not be as direct or efficient as expected, but it is still viable under certain conditions.
Method 1: Using the Web3.js library and its method eth_accounts
You can use the Web3.js library to get the Metamask RPC URL current accounts. Then you can compare them with the desired RPC URL. Here is a simplified example:
to try {
// get the checking account (must be ‘0x …’)
// your desired RPC URL
CONST NewrPCurl = ‘
// Check that the account is ‘0x …’ and compare with your URL RPC
if (currenantaccount [0] === ‘0x …’) {
console.log (‘Account corresponds to the new RPC URL’);
// Update the web3 instance or network configuration to use the new RPC URL
} other {
console.log (‘Account does not correspond to the new URL RPC’);
} catch (error) {
console.error (error);
ChangerPCurl ();
Note that changing your Web3
instance can directly require manual adjustments of the network configuration.
Method 2: Using the end point of the metamask API to change the rpcurl
The Official Metamask API has a method called SetrPCurl
you can use, but, as the example of Web3.Js above, requires manual update of the RPC URL of your account through this method. However, be aware that there is no direct way to update this through the Metamask browser interface, as you can expect.
Here is how to do this:
to try {
// get the checking account (must be ‘0x …’)
CONCURENTACCOUNT = Web3.etaCounts ();
// your desired RPC URL
CONST NewrPCurl = ‘
// Define the RPCURL parameter programically
Wait for Prove.SetrPCurl (NewrPCurl, {
// additional parameters can be defined here, if necessary (for example, Chainid)
} catch (error) {
console.error (error);
ChangerPCurl ();
Note in Web3
and network configuration
It is recommended to deal with the network configuration manually, instead of relying on the methods provided, as changes can propagate through various chains or networks.
Always keep your instance Web3
updated before updating any RPC URLs.